Uwaga na fałszywe miale z OVH, Phishing – przykład


Dear Customer, Update your payment information to renew your domain name xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.pl. We tried to renew your domain name today, but the operation failed because of not updated payment informations. To avoid suspending your domain name, please try to update your information regarding your payment method. Renew your domain name IMPORTANT: Without payment from you within five (5) days from the day of receipt of this email, your services will be permanently deleted. We remain at your disposal for any further information. Sincerely, The OVHcloud team

https://anetpol.pl/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/falywy-mail-z-PVH.jpg" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" style="object-fit:cover;" srcset="https://anetpol.pl/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/falywy-mail-z-PVH.jpg 635w, https://anetpol.pl/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/falywy-mail-z-PVH-600x688.jpg 600w, https://anetpol.pl/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/falywy-mail-z-PVH-262x300.jpg 262w" sizes="(max-width: 635px) 100vw, 635px" />

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